Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Sweet Matala Siluafaga Gago

The SMILE that lights up the world!

Brian and I with Matala in September 2011

Mom, London, Brian and I with Matala

Matala with her gorgeous smile

My sweet cousin Matala is very sick and is undergoing surgery to amputate her arm tomorrow morning. My family and I have begun our fast this evening for her safety through the surgery tomorrow and also the strength to overcome the emotional pain she will endure from losing a limb. Matala is such a sweet spirit. She has always been such an inspiration to me. Here are some memories I have of Matala from when we were younger and she was much healthier.

Growing up I was always with the Gago's. I don't ever remember going to school, but I remember dropping Mahina and Tulima at school, even though we were the same age. Odd! So, when the kids were at school I was always with Aunty Yasmin and whoever the baby was at the time and of course, Matala. Matala was always at the Doctors office and always had tests to take and so I would always go with her. But I never remember her complaining. NEVER. Even when they were poking her and running all kinds of tests, she just smiled and asked if it was time to go get her video from the video store or her snack from the store. She was always a strong person and never showed her anxiety about the doctors or hospitals and never showed she was in pain.

Matala always wanted to go everywhere and never miss out on anything. The rule was, whoever was dressed, ready and in the "Green Car" got to go wherever it was going, be it the grocery store, the MTC to drop off cookies, the video store to get a movie, wherever. So Aunty would say "I'm leaving in an hour." Well Mahina and I would run out to the car 10 minutes before it was time to go, thinking we were all sly being EARLY...only to find Matala already posted up in the front seat with all the doors LOCKED! She as the sly one! One time she wouldn't unlock the door, she only rolled down one window! So Mahina and I had to jump through the window! And Matala always rented the same movie....NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER! Oh how we hated that movie and never wanted her to rent it! But tonight, I would give anything to be with her watching it together eating our coffee ice cream!

Another rule was, whoever was up, dressed and ready first got to watch their TV show. Well Matala was up at 5am showering and getting dressed! I remember purposely falling asleep in front of the TV so Matala couldn't get in front to watch her show. I only did that once, because she put her chair right over half my body and blasted the TV until I woke up half deaf! Hahhaha!! She knew how to get what she wanted and she always got it!

In the past few years she has gotten a lot sicker and had to be in and out of the hospital and different homes. One time last year Brian and I were able to sneak away to Vegas and pick her up for some fun. We first took her all kinds of goodies for her and her friends at the home she was staying at. We played games and colored. Then she got bored she asked if we could go and watch a movie. Because her health was so bad and she couldn't be around large crowds, we decided to get a movie and watch it at our Aunty's house who was out of town! So it was just the two of us, our ice cream and Mighty Ducks 2! It was Heaven! I also got to paint her nails, which she loves! Then we had to take her home, but not before we made a Krispy Kreme run for fresh donuts! I loved the time we were able to spend with her, even if it was only for a short few hours. Those I will never forget.

Painting Matala's nails

Brian and Matala on our movie night

Matala all into her Mighty Ducks 2 and coffee ice cream!

Matala wearing my hair! Always smiling, even after losing her hair in chemo!

Me and my Matala having some fun!

I don't like to talk about her as if she were dead, because she is NOT! She is still very much alive, with her own opinions, needs and wants! I love her and everything she has given me! She has taught me so much and I love her more and more each day!

One last memory I want to leave you with is this. As I said before, growing up I spent so much time with the Gago's. I loved it there! You couldn't get me to go home! We lived in Salt Lake and they lived in Provo, so it was not far at all. Well, when they moved to Vegas I was devastated! It was so much further now! I had to take a plane to be with them! But the up side was that I got to spend entire SUMMERS there in Vegas with them! One trip in particular, I had been away from my parents for so long and I was starting to really miss them. One night I started to cry and Matala heard me, as she was the only one still up watching her "Unsolved Mysteries" or something like that. She came over to me and asked if I was ok. I told her I was sad and missed my mom. She wasn't a very affectionate person, never gave hugs or kisses or things like that. But that night she rubbed my back and arms until I fell asleep! That was my favorite! She always had long nails and I loved when she would tickle my arm! I love you Matala!

This is how I remember us! All young, no worries, no cares!

The Gago's minus the white girl...Taryn!

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